Cockroach labs, LocalStack, Neo4j, Redpanda, StreamNative and Yugabyte partner with AtomicJar and join the Testcontainers Official Modules program, becoming the first vendors to officially support Testcontainers as a preferred way to test and develop locally with their technologies.
Today, at the DevNexus conference – we announced the next step in the Testcontainers journey, with Cockroach Labs, LocalStack, Neo4j, Redpanda, StreamNative and Yugabyte – joining the Testcontainers Official Modules program. Oracle also announced intent to join the program. Each Official Modules partner has committed to certify, support and maintain their respective Testcontainers modules for the benefit of the community.
We also launched the modules catalog featuring 50+ modules supporting the most popular technologies.

Development used to be simple. Developers could build and test things locally, quickly and effectively with no environments or dependencies to manage. Just install the LAMP stack and the developer was good to go; however, today modern development looks different. The proliferation of new databases, message-brokers, and public clouds has resulted in longer cycles in the inner-development loop. Getting realistic feedback requires checking-in code and waiting until CI finishes.
The Testcontainers project started in 2015, simplifying development and integration testing by introducing easy to use throwaway instances of popular databases and other technologies, running as Docker containers. With a few lines of code, developers could create self-contained, idempotent and repeatable test cases that easily run locally, quickly and effectively. This created a fast feedback loop which resulted in the ability to iterate faster, discover issues earlier and ultimately check-in code with more confidence.
Every day, over hundreds of thousands of instances of Postgres, Elastic, MySQL and other technologies are started with Testcontainers. The community has developed integration modules for a wide ecosystem so developers can easily create throwaway instances of sophisticated technologies like Apache Kafka, Oracle database and Microsoft SQL Server – in as little as two lines of code.
Modern development frameworks took notice of Testcontainers usefulness for local development. Spring, Quarkus and Micronaut, the three most popular Java development frameworks, have already shipped developer mode functionality, or are soon to do so. Those frameworks use Testcontainers to make local development with real versions of dependencies simple.
Testcontainers introduced a paradigm that has evolved beyond the Java ecosystem libraries into .Net, Go, Node.js, Python, Rust and Haskell as those communities have begun to realize the value of the quicker iteration it enables.
To learn more about testing and developing with your favorite technology using Testcontainers, try the newly launched Modules catalog. For developers looking for the easiest, most scalable and consistent way to get started with Testcontainers, give Testcontainers Cloud a spin.