AtomicJarJavaTestcontainersTestcontainers Cloud Testing Kafka Applications with Testcontainers When developers write tests that cover integration points, traditionally, they often avoid integrating real systems…AtomicJarJune 28, 2023
AtomicJarJavaTestcontainersTestcontainers Cloud Why Integration Testing Is Key to Testing Microservices Microservices - a software architecture style where applications are developed as a suite of small,…AtomicJarJune 28, 2023
JavaTestcontainersTestcontainers Cloud Spring Boot Application Testing and Development with Testcontainers Spring Boot 3.1.0 introduced great support for Testcontainers that will not only make writing integration…Siva KatamreddyMay 17, 2023
JavaTestcontainers Developing Resilient Applications with Toxiproxy and Testcontainers How can we ensure the reliability of applications nowadays? One way is to use Testcontainers…Eddú MeléndezMarch 9, 2023
AtomicJarJavaTestcontainers Testcontainers with CircleCI One of the unique values of Testcontainers is that it allows running the same set…Siva KatamreddyDecember 5, 2022
JavaTechnologyTestcontainers Testcontainers: Testing with Real Dependencies Software evolves over time and automated testing is an essential prerequisite for Continuous Integration and…Siva KatamreddyNovember 14, 2022
JavaTechnologyTestcontainers Integration Testing for Spring Boot with Testcontainers Today, no modern application runs on its own, and it naturally shares responsibilities with other…Oleg ŠelajevAugust 4, 2022